Helping traumatized families embrace their sacred nature through messages of unconditional love, hope, healing, and transformation.

Dr. Kelly Bohnhoff

Explore Your Inner Resilience, Shape Your Dream Journey with Me

ABOUT Dr. Kelly Bohnhoff

Amidst the world’s current trauma, Dr. Kelly Bohnhoff stands as an empathetic guide. With a history of childhood adversity and sex trafficking, coupled with over 35 years of expertise as a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and co-founder of Josephine’s Clinic, a non-profit serving those who have experienced human trafficking and violence, she unveils her own spiritual awakening. In her new book, What’s Going on With My Family? A Roadmap to Healing Trauma, Unlocking Your Hidden Power, and Remembering What Is Sacred,

Dr. Kelly unveils the dormant power and sacred nature within every traumatized family, waiting to be rediscovered.

Through her profound insights and practical tools, she offers a transformative roadmap based on Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey to help families heal trauma forever. Honored in 2016 by the American Health Council, Dr. Kelly’s legacy embodies a lifetime of invaluable contributions to the field. This isn’t just a book; it’s a beacon of hope in the shadows of trauma, inviting readers to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and empowerment that will forever reshape their family’s destiny and generations to come.


The Sacred Family

By Dr. Kelly Bohnhoff

It started with a sacred “yes” to journey to the stars.
Of all the places we could be the universe was ours.
What of the year, the time, the place, the people we would know?
Who would we love, conceive, and honor as the lives of all unfold?
What would we do as storms draw near to the life that we would build?
What of the children we would birth into the world at will?
What of the animals, trees, and oceans with Mother Earth as our guide?
Who holds life’s truths deep in their hearts of all that is divine? 

The sacred family shares their love with each other as they grow,
Allowing all to awaken as the light of love does flow.
The journey is unique to all, the pain and suffering clear, and
Yet, the sacred family chose to heal despite their deepest fears.
Who is this sacred family who shares their light each day?
Allowing all to heal the pain, and suffering along the way?

Humanity, you see, is the sacred family-true!
There are no others, us, or them, nor really me or you.
We are one sacred family, learning to live in harmony once more.
Embracing our human and sacred natures as we continue to transform.
As above now so below, the sacred family be
our souls as One now unified for all eternity.

Books, Interviews, and Articles

What's going on with My Family?

A Roadmap to Healing Trauma, Unlocking Your Hidden Power, and Remembering What Is Sacred

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Feel free to download the Speaker One Sheet that resonates with you and your audience related to Health, Wealth, and/or Relationships. Have questions? Interested in a custom presentation? Send an email to onesacredfamily@gmail.com to connect.

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